Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Contradictions, Elections, and Movement(s)


During this election cycle, we have seen organizers reach across issues and constituencies to elect a progressive candidate. But in the wake of Proposition 8 and other state-wide bans on gay marriage, have we as organizers done enough to address the rampant homophobia within our movement for change?

I found it hard to clap my hands as the election results came in on November 4th. One hand wanted to celebrate the election of a biracial black man (like myself) and former community organizer to the office of the presidency. But the other hand wanted to mourn the passage of constitutional bans against marriage rights for same sex couples (like myself and my partner) in two states that went for Senator Barack Obama. I fully support economic and racial justice and am devoted to continue to work on those issues, but I am left wondering when my concerns as a gay man will be fully included in this progressive movement I’m committed to. >> MORE

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